Michelle Stephens
Executive Director, Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice Professor of English and Latino and Caribbean Studies at Rutgers University, New BrunswickMichelle Stephens, Ph.D., is a licensed psychoanalyst, founding and Executive Director, Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice, Professor of English and Latino and Caribbean Studies former Dean of the Humanities and a Professor of English and Latino and Caribbean Studies at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. Her recent publications include: Skin Acts: Race, Psychoanalysis and the Black Male Performer (Duke UP, 2014), journal essays on race and psychoanalysis in Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA), Studies in Gender and Sexuality, Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, and Contemporary Psychoanalysis. She is also the co-editor of three recent collections in Caribbean and island studies: Contemporary Archipelagic Thinking with Yolanda Martinez-San Miguel, Archipelagic American Studies with Brian Russell Roberts, and Relational Undercurrents: Contemporary Art of the Caribbean Archipelago with Tatiana Flores. She is currently working on an essay on psychoanalysis and history for the journal History of the Present entitled, "Just In Time: Managing Foresight and Anxiety at the End of the World."