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Faculty and Staff

Ayse Akincigil
Associate Professor
Charletta Ayers
Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
Cristine Delnevo
Director, Rutgers Institute for Nicotine & Tobacco Studies and Professor of Health Behavior, Society, and Policy
John Oberdiek
Distinguished Professor at Rutgers Law School and Co-Director of the Rutgers Institute for Law and Philosophy
Mary E. O’Dowd
Executive Director of Health Systems and Population Health Integration for Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
Panos Georgopoulos
Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice at the Rutgers School of Public Health
Robert Kopp
Director of the Rutgers Institute of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences and a Professor in the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences at Rutgers University
Stephen Stich
Board of Governors Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Science at Rutgers University and Honorary Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sheffield
Tobias Gerhard
Director, Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research Director, Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Science Professor, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Alan Robock
Distinguished Professor of climate science in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers University
Michelle Stephens
Executive Director, Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice Professor of English and Latino and Caribbean Studies at Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Helmut Zarbl
Director of the Environmental and Occupational Health and Science Institute (EOHSI), as well as the Chair of the Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice Department of the Rutgers School of Public Health
Larry S. Temkin
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Rutgers University